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Yaron Biderman
Yaron Biderman

Senior Product Manager

Individual Contributor

Product Management, Effective Collaboration, Engaging Communication




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Tel Aviv


What do I want you to know about me?

My journey in product started with launching my own startup, merging it with another company, and then faced the tough lesson of seeing it come to a halt.
This taught me to pay close attention to the little things and how to talk to everyone in a way that brings us together.
I learned how to get people excited about ideas, work together without being the boss, and share ideas that get noticed. If you're starting in product management and want to learn how to make a big impact, I'm here to help. Let's make great things happen together!

What will the sessions look like?

In our sessions we’ll work on real world problems and how these should be addressed, and assessed. This will be a work in progress that eventually will help you shape your unique style, but with confidence.

As a mentee, you will commit to:

If you can commit to 4-6 hours a month and you’re eager to learn and practice by yourself between sessions, let’s get it going. Book our first meeting now.

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